The integration of research into the curriculum is a distinctive feature of the program. All students receive research training through coursework and the completion of the Capstone Project in the third year. Interested students are also encouraged to pursue their individual research interests through a variety of elective, interdisciplinary research opportunities, including an elective summer research experience.

Summer Research Training Program

The Program in Audiology and Communication Sciences (PACS) at WashU Medicine offers AuD students enrolled in its program a 2-month summer research training program, which offers a full-time research experience in basic, applied, and/or clinical sciences related to hearing and balance.  Each AuD student participating will be involved in a specific research project, working with one of approximately 26 investigators. The program provides participating AuD students with a monthly stipend during the program.

Research Specialization

The Research Specialization offers AuD students the opportunity to gain additional knowledge and experience in research.

AuD/PhD Program

For information on the AuD/PhD program, please visit our PhD page here.

TL1 predoctoral programs

The TL1 Predoctoral Program at WashU Medicine provides interdisciplinary research traineeship opportunities for AuD students through several programs, which include a two-month summer option and an intensive 12-month option. All programs provide full tuition benefits, plus a generous stipend. Visit the Clinical Research Training Center website for more information.

The integration and importance of research stressed throughout the AuD curriculum is distinctive to PACS. In addition, the optional research training programs available to AuD students allow for the opportunity to explore individual interests, both outside of the classroom and clinic.

Kaitlyn Toner, AuD
AuD alumna