University Policies and Procedures
- SAFE: Supporting a Fair Environment: Report a professionalism accolade or a concern about the learning environment.
- Student Mistreatment Reporting and Monitoring Policy
Student Resources and Helpful Links
- Facilities and Operations Department
- Faculty Guide to Emergency Preparedness
- MyCanvas
- WebFAC
- WUSM Faculty Resources
- WUSM Home Page
- WUSM Poster and PowerPoint Templates
PACS Faculty Resources
General Information for Faculty
Facilities manages the building temperature, so we have limited control over how warm/cool the rooms are kept. However, if a room is extremely hot or cold, please notify the PACS Office so we can request a service call. If you notice other issues with the classrooms, building, teaching equipment, or anything else, please let the PACS Office know so it can be addressed.
All faculty and staff must complete an annual Code of Conduct certification as a requirement of continued affiliation with WashU. Email notifications will be sent to faculty directly each year as a reminder.
PACS course descriptions click here.
Washington University courses click here.
Department-wide meetings that include all faculty and staff are generally held three times per academic year, in the months of August, December and May. Dates and locations are published in the PACS Academic Calendar. Reports are made on faculty and staff changes, program updates, curriculum, funding, and other PACS activities. Committee chairs are asked to present their reports at each meeting. All faculty members are expected to attend.
As part of your Washington University employment or affiliation, you will have a WashU email assigned, which can be accessed through O365. This email will be activated when you begin your employment and will remain active until 60 days after employment or affiliation ends. If you need to change your personal email address, please update through Workday Self-Service and email Beth Elliott.
PACS follows all University policies and procedures related to faculty and staff appointments. Faculty appointments at the Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Instructor levels are made through the Department of Otolaryngology (prime).
Lecturer appointments are considered staff-level appointments and can be made prime or secondary in PACS. Policies and procedures for these appointments are governed by the current WashU Medicine’s Appointments & Promotions Guidelines and Requirements (APGAR). Decisions about other staff appointments and hirings are made by the PACS Office and must be approved by Human Resources.
Except under certain conditions, secondary faculty and lecturer appointments will not be formally considered until the individual has completed an academic year of teaching or other formal participation in PACS. Similarly, after one academic year without formal participation, appointments may be deactivated. Faculty and staff appointments are renewed annually at the start of the academic year. All faculty must be in compliance with the University’s policies and procedures (e.g., annual financial disclosure, verification of contact information).
The Program maintains a number of active faculty committees. Committee purposes, meeting schedules, and membership are reviewed annually.
A limited number of graduate student assistantships (GSA) are generally available each year. These must be requested during budgeting the year prior (generally December/January). Please contact the PACS Office if you would like more information about GSAs.
An ID badge must be worn at all times when on campus, both as a safety precaution and to access some locations within the building (or to enter the building after hours). When joining the faculty, Human Resources will request an ID badge for you. This badge can be picked up at the Facilities Integrated Service Center (FISC), located in the Mid-Campus Center (MCC), 4590 Children’s Place (Lobby). If your badge is lost or stolen, please email Rene Miller ( immediately so that arrangements can be made for a replacement (a fee will apply).
There are several options for parking:
- Clayton Garage:
- Parking for WUSM faculty, staff, and students is available for free after-hours, weekends, and holidays. Valid hours are 2 pm- 6 am, Monday-Friday, and all days on weekends and holidays. More information is available on the After Hours/Weekend Parking page and access must be requested using the After-Hours Request Form. After completing the registration form, the request will be sent to the Transportation & Parking team for review. Once the parking request is approved (expect 5 business days), you will receive an approval email, and garage access will be activated on your WUSM ID Badge.
- Hourly parking, ranging from $2 (0-1 hour) to $15 (6-24 hours) is available in the Clayton Garage (intersection of Clayton and Taylor), Metro Garage, and Newstead Garage. (See this link for a campus parking map.) Faculty, staff and students also have the option to purchase a discounted debit card for occasional parking; this option ranges from $4-$8/day. To purchase a debit card for the Clayton Garage, please visit garage attendant’s booth located at 4485 Clayton Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110 with a valid WUSM ID badge.
- Free parking is available in the lot at 1234 S. Kingshighway. Shuttles run from the lot to the Mid-Campus Center (MCC) every 30 minutes, Monday-Friday from 6 am-9:15 am and 2:30 pm-5:45 pm. Visit the Facilities Integrated Service Center (FISC) desk in the Mid-Campus Center to sign up for this option.
- Metered off-street parking: Some meters are available along Clayton Ave. and in the lot on the northwest corner of Clayton and Euclid.
A copy machine is located in Room 2029 (PACS Student Lounge) and may be used for copying, scanning to email, and faxing. The access code is posted near the machine. If you need items printed, AirPrint is available or the PACS Office can assist you.
PACS faculty members and staff are requested to complete an annual Faculty and Staff Program Evaluation. The purpose of this evaluation is to provide information on the Program’s overall performance and assist in the development of the Program’s goals and objectives. These evaluations are sent out during the fall semester, completed on-line, and are confidential. Results are reviewed by the PACS Directors and discussed at the December Department meeting.
Public restrooms are available on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
To report an emergency or crime, call 314-362-HELP (4357) from any WashU phone or your cell phone.
AED Equipment: An Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) can be found on the first floor in the lobby area. You can also request an escort to your vehicle by calling Protective Services at the number above.
Emergency Notifications: The University maintains a central website for communicating emergency information to all faculty, staff, students, and others at
The full text of the WUSM Severe Weather and Emergency Conditions Policy for Students in the WUSM Education Programs is included in the Student Handbook,
See “Faculty Guide for Emergency Preparedness” above for more information.
The PACS Office will request a list of required lab supplies before the start of the fall, spring, and post-session/summer semesters.
PACS uses a web-based reservation system called Skedda for the PACS Student Labs. Instructions for reserving the student labs can be found in BOX.
The spaces available are:
- Room 253: Booth, Verifit, ABR simulator, audiometer, ABR Eclipse, tympanometry
- Room 255: Booth, Verifit, ABR simulator, audiometer, ABR Eclipse, tympanometry, CARL, baby CARL, hearing aid programming, CI software
Cloud file storage and collaboration tool used by Washington University. WUSTL Box is a secure and simple way to store, manage and access all of your digital files. The website is:
Washington University assigns all students, faculty and staff a WUSTLKey, which is used to log in to many applications and resources. You will receive information on setting up your WUSTLKey after you’ve been entered into the Workday system.
Teaching Responsibilities and Resources
Instructors have a responsibility to make themselves accessible to students at times other than class periods. They should occasionally be available to students prior to class and should provide a telephone number where they can be reached at specified times.
Office space can be reserved in PACS for office hours or student meetings if needed. Please contact the PACS Office to make reservations, or call (314) 747-0104.
Students are expected to attend all classes, practicum experiences, research activities, labs, exams, and other activities required by PACS and/or the degree program. Attendance is defined as the physical presence of the student in the classroom or other learning environment for the entirety of the scheduled time. Arriving late or leaving early is considered equivalent to an absence. Faculty are encouraged to define specific attendance policies on the syllabus and to tie grading to attendance/absences. Please visit for the current attendance policy found in the Student Handbook. Absences should be reported to the PACS Office for tracking.
Changes to class and final exam schedules, including days, times, modality, and location, should only be made under exceptional circumstances (e.g., instructor illness, inclement weather) and must follow the following policies and procedures.
In the event that an instructor must cancel or change class for any reason, he/she should notify the students as soon as possible via e-mail using Canvas and notify the PACS Office via email at If an announcement is made in class, it should be followed up with an email notification to students (via Canvas) and to the PACS Office via email at
The modality (instruction type) should not be altered from the original schedule. University and program accreditation, as well as federal guidelines, include specific requirements related to modality. Definitions can be found at this link. In cases of an exceptional circumstance, approval must be requested from PACS for the change in advance.
Instructors must make up all class time missed, including for reasons of inclement weather*, instructor conflicts, the late arrival or early departure of the instructor, or any similar circumstance that reduces the total instructional time for the semester for that class. Instructor payment may be pro-rated if all instructional time is not completed.
Other changes:
- If a change is requested by one or more students, that request should be presented first to the instructor. The instructor is under no obligation or expectation to consider or approve such a change, but if they would agree to the requested change, the procedures below should be followed. Instructors requesting a change should follow the same procedures below.
- The instructor should conduct an anonymous poll asking for consent to the schedule modification from students enrolled. Consent must be unanimous.
- The details of the request and results of the poll must be submitted PACS Office via email at for approval.
- Instructors must confirm space availability prior to requesting a schedule change to avoid possible conflicts with classroom scheduling.
- If a change is unanimously approved, the instructor must (a) notify the class of the change through Canvas and (b) notify the PACS office by emailing
Any exceptions to these policies and procedures must be approved by the appropriate program director.
See also “Class and Final Examination Schedules” for more information.
*See “Severe Weather and Emergency Conditions” for more information.
Canvas is the course management system used by Washington University. Course instructors are responsible for managing their own class(es). You can access the system at using your WUSTLKey.
Instructors and faculty are expected to post their syllabus to Canvas at least two weeks before classes begin and utilize the platform as much as possible.
See links below for more information:
Please visit this link for information on using captions and subtitles.
Class and final examination schedules are developed by the PACS Office on a semester basis (fall, spring, and summer) and are finalized approximately eight months before the first day of classes for that semester, per University policy. PACS course and final exam schedules are available in the PACS Calendars and Schedules folder in Box, and course schedules are also accessible through
Classes should be held according to the days, times, locations , and modality (instruction type) as scheduled and must follow the established academic schedule. All final (or last) exams and papers should follow the published exam schedule and may not occur, or be due during, the Final Exam Study Period or on a regularly-scheduled class day. This includes written, oral, and take-home exams. Faculty should visit for additional information on policies and procedures related to reading days and final examinations.
See also “Cancelled, Rescheduled, and Make-up Classes” for more information.
Classrooms are assigned on the basis of projected enrollments, course requirements, and, to the degree possible, convenience for faculty and students. If for some reason a change from the room designated in the course schedule must be made prior to the first class meeting, instructors will be notified.
The PACS classrooms are located in the CID Building.
- Clark Learning Center, Room 3000, 3rd floor
- PACS Classroom, Room 2020, 2nd floor
- Discovery Room, Room 215 (school side of building), 2nd floor – ID badge required for access
See “Student Labs” section for more information on the lab spaces, equipment, and reservations.
Students have the opportunity to complete course evaluations following every semester. Results will be available to instructors after the end of the semester and can be accessed via WebFAC.
Instructors must provide all students with a syllabus at the start of the semester; syllabi shall be uploaded to Canvas. Instructors will be provided a syllabus template before the start of the semester that includes the official course description and learning outcomes, along with University-required statements. Instructors should complete the remaining information (evaluation, schedule, resources, and instructor contact information) and return it to the PACS Office before the first day of classes for the semester.
A C.V., in Washington University format, will be requested on an annual basis. A template of this format is available at this link.
Washington University is committed to having a positive learning and working environment for its students, faculty and staff. This Policy prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran status, disability or genetic information. Such conduct may also violate federal, state or local law.
The complete policy can be found on the human resources website,
Following are general guidelines for exams administered in PACS. Additional requirements may be posed by the individual instructor.
Expectations for Students
- Take the exam during the originally scheduled time, excepting extenuating circumstances. Students are required to take all examinations at the specified time. A student may be excused from this rule for extenuating circumstances at the sole discretion of the appropriate Program Director. Extenuating circumstances are typically defined as sudden personal illness or family emergency. Doctor appointments of a routine nature or vacation time are not considered to be extenuating circumstances for which students can be exempted from the regularly scheduled exam date. Such occasions will be promptly reported to the CAPES. In the event of inability to attend a scheduled examination due to sudden illness the student is required to inform the instructor prior to the examination and to be evaluated by the Student Health Service. In the event that the student cannot reach the relevant instructor, the student should contact the appropriate Program Director.
- Students are expected to be punctual and should be assembled in the designated exam area before the official start time of the exam. Tardiness will not be excused except in extenuating circumstances. For purposes of the exam, “tardiness” will be defined by the instructor or exam proctor.
- Not share study materials, exchange information, collaborate or communicate with others during the exam.
- Turn off and leave cell phones and other electronic devices in their bags.
- Hand their exam to the instructor or proctor prior to leaving the room.
Any student needing accommodation for exams should work with Disability Resources prior to the exam date.
Expectations for Faculty
- Exams should be proctored by the instructor or a designee appointed by the instructor comfortable with proctoring and all exam administration guidelines.
- Administration should be fair to all students.
- If the instructor or proctor answers a substantive question or clarifies an issue, the same should be communicated to ALL students, including those in separate rooms or at different times.
- Reasonable adjustments should be offered to students who require special accommodations, including a separate testing room or additional time.
- All requirements of students should be communicated to all students PRIOR to the start of the exam.
*Not applicable to take-home exams
The following examples are intended to be representative of behaviors that constitute cheating in the context of an exam. This is not intended to be an all-inclusive list.
- Looking at or copying from another student’s test paper.
- Collaborating with another student during the test without authorization.
- Using lecture notes or textbooks during an exam without authorization.
- Possessing crib notes during an exam.
- Using signals/signs to obtain answers from others.
- Utilizing a calculator, cell/smart phone, computer, or any other device or learning aid without authorization. This includes storing, receiving, and/or accessing course matter stored on such devices.
- Obtaining assistance in answering questions on a take-home exam without authorization.
- Obtaining advance copies of exams or quizzes by any means.
- Having someone else take an exam in your place.
- Feigning illness or submitting misleading statements to avoid taking an exam at the scheduled time.
- Changing an answer on a graded test and claiming the question response was incorrectly marked wrong.
Student academic information is protected under the 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Under FERPA regulations, you may not disclose personally identifiable information from academic records to anyone other than the student in question and University officials with legitimate educational interest. Special care should be taken when distributing graded items to ensure that no student other than the one intended has access to any graded information. The PACS Office can assist with the distribution of graded material to students if needed.
Please see the University’s FERPA Policy for more information.
Instructors are required to submit final grades at the end of the semester and should do so using the WebFac system. You will be notified of the due date for submission. Midterm grades may be reported, but are not required for graduate students unless a student is performing at a B- level or below. Final grades are assigned to represent the level of competence received.
A+, A, A- | Superior/Outstanding | Will appear on the transcript |
B+, B, B- | Good/Acceptable | Will appear on the transcript |
C+, C, C- | Conditional | Units of instruction which carry a grade of ‘C’ are not creditable toward fulfillment of advanced degree requirements, unless they are accompanied by an equal number of units of instruction carrying a grade of A. These grades do count toward the GPA and do appear on the transcript. |
F | Failing | Units of instruction that carry a grade of ‘F’ are not creditable toward the fulfillment of advanced degree requirements, but will appear on the transcript. In the event that a failed PACS class is repeated, both grades will appear on the official transcript; the higher grade does not replace a previous or lower grade. |
Pass | Pass | |
No Pass | No Pass | In the event that a ‘No Pass’ PACS class is repeated, both grades will appear on the official transcript; the ‘higher grade ‘Pass’ grade does not replace a previous or lower grade. |
L | Audit (Successful) | The audited class and the grade received will appear on the transcripts, but the class is not creditable toward the fulfillment of advanced degree requirements. |
Z | Audit (Unsuccessful) | The audited class and the grade received will appear on the transcripts, but the class is not creditable toward the fulfillment of advanced degree requirements. |
Please see the Capstone and Independent Study Handbook located in BOX.
For current information on immunization requirements, visit the Occupational Health Services website.
The university’s policy can be found at this link.
Instructors have access to class rosters electronically using WebFAC, the Washington University course information website. Please use WebFAC to obtain your course rosters. With the aid of WebFAC, you can view all courses online, print your class rosters, send e-mails to an entire class or to selected students, contact their advisors, and even view pictures of students in your classes. While the PACS office can provide you with your course roster at your request, it’s clearly to your advantage to access this information on your own through WebFAC.
For help with your WUSTL key, contact the IT help desk, or call (314) 933-3333.
The University maintains a central website for communicating emergency information to all faculty, staff, students, and others at
The full text of the WUSM Severe Weather and Emergency Conditions Policy for Students in the WUSM Education Programs is included below. To summarize, in the event of severe weather or an emergency condition, the Dean will determine whether there is a need to establish an “alternate work status.” Such status would mean that:
- Classes are cancelled
- Check with your practicum site to see if you need to report
- Other educational activities will be delayed or cancelled
If an “alternate work status” is declared, you should receive email notification from the School of Medicine. PACS will also try to duplicate these email communications to be sure everyone receives the message. Local media outlets may also be notified. It is important to note that the School of Medicine will make its own determination, separate from the Danforth Campus, so even if you see “Washington University” has cancelled classes, please follow only the communication you receive from the School of Medicine.
Individual instructors may still make independent decisions about holding classes, and as always, everyone should make their own determination about whether they can safely travel.
Individuals assigned as emergency contacts in PACS are:
Beth Elliott, MAT | Director, Finance and Student/Academic Affairs | (314) 747-0102 |
Beth Fisher | Grant Specialist II/Faculty Support | (314) 747-0108 |
Rene Miller | Academic Records Assistant and Coordinator | (314) 747-0103 |
WUSM Severe Weather and Emergency Conditions Policy for Students in the WUSM Education Programs The School of Medicine must maintain essential services and operations during any severe weather or emergency situation and provide for the safety and care of its patients, students, staff, and faculty. In response to severe weather or other emergency situations, the Dean of the School of Medicine will determine the need for departments or education programs within the School of Medicine to temporarily establish an alternate work status. For students, “alternate work status” means that the WUSM education program (DBBS/MSTP, Audiology, Masters Programs, Medical Student Education, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy) may cancel or delay classes as necessary for as long as the WUSM dean determines to help ensure the safety of students, staff, and faculty. If the dean designates an “alternate work status” for WUSM, the respective education program directors will communicate to their students, either via website or emergency broadcast, information regarding the status of classes, non‐clinical education activities (exams, labs, etc.), and clinical rotations as follows:
- Classes and all non‐clinical educational activities (i.e., exams, labs, standardized patient sessions, etc.) are cancelled: Students are not expected to report to classes or non‐clinical educational activities during the time that the dean has declared an “alternate work status,” and student absences will be noted as ”excused” during this timeframe only. Program directors will determine what, if any, make‐up schedule is needed. Students are also strongly encouraged to cancel any non‐official student activities or functions that are scheduled during this timeframe to eliminate unnecessary travel in severe weather conditions.
- Clinical rotations: Clinical rotations for students include both educational and clinical care components and the relative balance varies by rotation. Therefore, the decision of which clinical rotations include sufficient essential clinical care to warrant student participation during an “alternate work status” event will be made by the respective education program directors. For all rotations in which students are deemed essential, they will be expected to attend during “alternate work status” times, and the program will be expected to provide appropriate overnight accommodations as needed.
- On occasion, classes, non‐clinical educational activities, and or clinical rotations may be delayed – students are expected to report to classes, non‐clinical educational activities, or clinical rotations on a delayed schedule; program directors will communicate the exact time to report via the website or broadcast message; not reporting shall result in an unexcused absence according to the policies of individual programs.
We should presume that the School of Medicine is operating normally unless there is an official communication to the contrary from the Dean’s Office via your respective education program.
The ultimate decision regarding whether the commute to classes or to clinical rotations can be safely made remains with the individual. If a student does not feel she/he can safely commute, and the School of Medicine is operating normally, the standard absence policy for the students’ respective education program shall be in effect.
In the early stages of course planning, please review with the PACS Director of Finance and Student/Academic Affairs (Beth Elliott) requests for special classroom activities or supplies that may require an additional expense. PACS does not provide honoraria for guest speakers.
If disability accommodations have been approved by Disability Resources for a student enrolled in the class, the instructor will receive an email outlining the accommodations allowed. It is the student’s responsibility to share this information with the instructor(s), and students are strongly encouraged to do so during the first week of classes (either via email or in-person). Unless approved, accommodations may not be made for individual students unless these are also made available to all students enrolled in the class.
The PACS office can assist instructors with locating and reserving space, as needed, for exam accommodations. Please contact the PACS Office to reserve space, or call (314) 747-0104.
Faculty should be familiar with student policies and procedures found in the student handbooks. The student handbooks page can be accessed here:
Please see the resource available at Promoting student Well-Being in Learning Environments.
PACS does not use the WUSM Bookstore for textbook lists/purchases. Instructors should include textbook and supply information on the syllabus, which should be uploaded to Canvas at least two weeks before the first day of class. This will give students time to locate and purchase books online.
The PACS Office will request a list of required lab supplies before the start of the fall, spring, and post-session/summer semesters.
All instructors have access to online tools to help manage your students and classes. WebFAC allows you to manage your roster, connect to course listings, and report grades. Your WUSTLKey is used to access WebFAC. The website is:
Faculty Compensation and Benefits
There is an employer-employee relationship between Washington University and instructors who teach in PACS. Instructors must complete the appropriate documentation to be hired and/or entered into the Washington University system. Instructors who are paid directly are generally paid monthly according to the University’s regular payroll schedule, with applicable employment taxes withheld. Instructors who are employed by the University in another department may be paid biweekly if their primary position is paid as such. Some instructors’ home departments or institutions may receive the compensation for their teaching effort, as determined by that department or institution.
Some instructors’ home departments or institutions receive the compensation for their teaching, as determined by that department or institution policy. Please contact your department or institution if this applies to you and you have questions.
Prior to each semester, instructors will be issued a letter confirming the course(s), compensation, and other applicable information. Instructors paid via payroll will generally have their payment divided into equal payments as follows:
- Fall semester: September-December
- Spring semester: January-April
- Summer: May
Please contact the PACS office or call (314) 747-0104 with any questions.